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Secondary UITs

CUSIPs Trust Ticker Symbol Price Date Offer1 Liquidation2 Deposit Date Mandatory Maturity Date
  abrdn Blue Chip International Portfolio, 004 CBCIDX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.3868 5/17/2023 5/19/2025 ABCI004 40177Q725, 40177Q733, 40177Q741, 40177Q758
  abrdn Blue Chip International Portfolio, 005 CBCIEX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.9544 11/20/2023 11/20/2025 ABCI005 40177V666, 40177V674, 40177V682, 40177V690
  abrdn Blue Chip International Portfolio, 006 CBCIFX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.9312 5/20/2024 5/20/2026 ABCI006 40178A182, 40178A190, 40178A208, 40178A216
  abrdn Medical Science Innovation Portfolio, 007 CTMEGX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.2981 11/15/2023 11/17/2025 TMED007 40177V583, 40177V591, 40177V609, 40177V617
  abrdn Medical Science Innovation Portfolio, 008 CTMEHX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.8304 5/20/2024 5/20/2026 TMED008 40178A265, 40178A273, 40178A281, 40178A299
  Advisory Series: Investment Grade Corporate 3-7 Year Trust, 002 CAGIBX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $171.2600 6/27/2018 5/15/2025 AGIGS002 40173X443
  Advisory Series: Investment Grade Corporate Trust 3-7 Year (FEE-BASED ONLY), 001 CAGIAX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $65.8600 4/18/2018 3/25/2025 AGIGS001 40173V124
  ARK Early Stage Disruptors Portfolio, 005 CARKEX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.7229 5/3/2023 5/5/2025 ARKD005 40177Q568, 40177Q576, 40177Q584, 40177Q592
  Balanced Income Builder Portfolio, 043 CGBIRX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.0418 4/20/2023 4/21/2025 GBIB043 40177Q386, 40177Q394, 40177Q402, 40177Q410
  Balanced Income Builder Portfolio, 044 CGBISX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.4063 7/19/2023 7/21/2025 GBIB044 40177R822, 40177R830, 40177R848, 40177R855
  Balanced Income Builder Portfolio, 045 CGBITX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.4511 10/18/2023 10/20/2025 GBIB045 40177U825, 40177U833, 40177U841, 40177U858
  Balanced Income Builder Portfolio, 046 CGBIUX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.4306 1/22/2024 1/22/2026 GBIB046 40177W623, 40177W631, 40177W649, 40177W656
  Balanced Income Builder Portfolio, 047 CGBIVX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.2533 4/22/2024 4/22/2026 GBIB047 40177Y223, 40177Y231, 40177Y249, 40177Y256
  Balanced Income Builder Portfolio, 048 CGBIWX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.9898 7/22/2024 7/22/2026 GBIB048 40178B149, 40178B156, 40178B164, 40178B172
  Balanced Income Builder Portfolio, 049 CGBIYX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.5855 10/23/2024 10/23/2026 GBIB049 40178D103, 40178D111, 40178D129, 40178D137
  Blue Chip Dividend Portfolio, 011 CBCDKX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.6637 2/16/2023 2/18/2025 BCDV011 40177P107, 40177P115, 40177P123, 40177P131
  Blue Chip Dividend Portfolio, 012 CBCDLX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.2504 5/17/2023 5/19/2025 BCDV012 40177R103, 40177R111, 40177R129, 40177R137
  Blue Chip Dividend Portfolio, 013 CBCDMX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.0133 8/17/2023 8/18/2025 BCDV013 40177T687, 40177T695, 40177T703, 40177T711
  Blue Chip Dividend Portfolio, 014 CBCDNX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.4996 11/20/2023 11/20/2025 BCDV014 40177V708, 40177V716, 40177V724, 40177V732
  Blue Chip Dividend Portfolio, 015 CBCDOX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5581 2/22/2024 2/23/2026 BCDV015 40177X308, 40177X316, 40177X324, 40177X332
  Blue Chip Dividend Portfolio, 016 CBCDPX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5309 5/20/2024 5/20/2026 BCDV016 40178A307, 40178A315, 40178A323, 40178A331
  Blue Chip Dividend Portfolio, 017 CBCDQX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.9444 8/19/2024 8/19/2026 BCDV017 40178B644, 40178B651, 40178B669, 40178B677
  Blue Chip Growth Portfolio, 037 CBCHLX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $15.0962 2/16/2023 2/18/2025 BCHP037 40177P149, 40177P156, 40177P164, 40177P172
  Blue Chip Growth Portfolio, 038 CBCHMX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $13.4362 5/17/2023 5/19/2025 BCHP038 40177R145, 40177R152, 40177R160, 40177R178
  Blue Chip Growth Portfolio, 039 CBCHNX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $14.6931 8/17/2023 8/18/2025 BCHP039 40177T729, 40177T737, 40177T745, 40177T752
  Blue Chip Growth Portfolio, 040 CBCHOX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $13.0247 11/20/2023 11/20/2025 BCHP040 40177V740, 40177V757, 40177V765, 40177V773
  Blue Chip Growth Portfolio, 041 CBCHPX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.0105 2/22/2024 2/23/2026 BCHP041 40177X340, 40177X357, 40177X365, 40177X373
  Blue Chip Growth Portfolio, 042 CBCHQX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.0001 5/20/2024 5/20/2026 BCHP042 40178A349, 40178A356, 40178A364, 40178A372
  Blue Chip Growth Portfolio, 043 CBCHRX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.0602 8/19/2024 8/19/2026 BCHP043 40178B685, 40178B693, 40178B701, 40178B719
  Blue Chip Multinationals Portfolio, 025 CMNTZX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.5852 8/8/2023 8/8/2025 MNTP025 40177T489, 40177T497, 40177T505, 40177T513
  Blue Chip Multinationals Portfolio, 026 CMNTAX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5627 2/22/2024 2/23/2026 MNTP026 40177X381, 40177X399, 40177X407, 40177X415
  Blue Chip Multinationals Portfolio, 027 CMNTBX 2/7/2025 $10.9962 $10.7438 8/12/2024 8/12/2026 MNTP027 40178B446, 40178B453, 40178B461, 40178B479
  Blue Chip Value Portfolio, 006 CBCVFX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.3422 2/16/2023 2/18/2025 BCVA006 40177P180, 40177P198, 40177P206, 40177P214
  Blue Chip Value Portfolio, 007 CBCVGX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.5281 8/17/2023 8/18/2025 BCVA007 40177T760, 40177T778, 40177T786, 40177T794
  Blue Chip Value Portfolio, 008 CBCVHX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.6997 2/22/2024 2/23/2026 BCVA008 40177X423, 40177X431, 40177X449, 40177X456
  Build America Bonds Trust, 003 CGBACX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $479.2600 8/20/2010 7/1/2042 GBAB003 18387Q529, 18387Q537
  Build America Bonds Trust, 004 CGBADX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $326.9400 9/10/2010 8/1/2042 GBAB004 18387R105, 18387R113
  Build America Bonds Trust, 005 CGBAEX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $315.1300 10/7/2010 7/1/2042 GBAB005 40167C488, 40167C496
  Build America Bonds Trust, 006 CGBAFX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $342.4500 11/16/2010 7/1/2045 GBAB006 40167C868, 40167C876
  Build America Bonds Trust, 007 CGBAGX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $305.3000 1/14/2011 1/1/2042 GBAB007 40167R782, 40167R790
  California Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 044 CECASX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.0512 3/8/2023 3/10/2025 DCCA044 40177P446, 40177P453, 40177P461, 40177P479
  California Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 045 CECATX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.4198 6/7/2023 6/9/2025 DCCA045 40177R483, 40177R491, 40177R509, 40177R517
  California Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 046 CECAUX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5233 9/7/2023 9/8/2025 DCCA046 40177U189, 40177U197, 40177U205, 40177U213
  California Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 047 CECAVX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.1782 12/6/2023 12/8/2025 DCCA047 40177W102, 40177W110, 40177W128, 40177W136
  California Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 048 CECAWX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.8113 3/7/2024 3/9/2026 DCCA048 40177X605, 40177X613, 40177X621, 40177X639
  California Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 049 CECAYX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.8230 6/6/2024 6/8/2026 DCCA049 40178A463, 40178A471, 40178A489, 40178A497
  California Municipal Portfolio of Funds, 050 CECAZX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.3541 9/9/2024 9/9/2026 DCCA050 40178C386, 40178C394, 40178C402, 40178C410
  Consumer Innovation Portfolio, 005 CCNSEX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $14.6089 3/27/2023 3/27/2025 CNSR005 40177P602, 40177P610, 40177P628, 40177P636
  Consumer Innovation Portfolio, 006 CCNSFX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.3945 9/19/2023 9/19/2025 CNSR006 40177U346, 40177U353, 40177U361, 40177U379
  Convertible & Income Portfolio of Funds, 039 CECINX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.3730 4/5/2023 4/7/2025 DCEC039 40177P743, 40177P750, 40177P768, 40177P776
  Convertible & Income Portfolio of Funds, 040 CECIOX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.7362 10/4/2023 10/6/2025 DCEC040 40177U502, 40177U510, 40177U528, 40177U536
  Convertible & Income Portfolio of Funds, 041 CECIPX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.4513 4/5/2024 4/6/2026 DCEC041 40177Y629, 40177Y637, 40177Y645, 40177Y652
  Core Four 60/40 Allocation Portfolio, 025 CCFOZX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.5548 11/20/2023 2/24/2025 CFOR025 40177V823, 40177V831, 40177V849, 40177V856
  Core Four 60/40 Allocation Portfolio, 026 CCFOAX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.3826 2/22/2024 5/22/2025 CFOR026 40177Y108, 40177Y116, 40177Y124, 40177Y132
  Core Four 60/40 Allocation Portfolio, 027 CCFOBX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.3993 5/22/2024 8/19/2025 CFOR027 40178A422, 40178A430, 40178A448, 40178A455
  Core Four 60/40 Allocation Portfolio, 028 CCFOCX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.0040 8/19/2024 11/20/2025 CFOR028 40178B768, 40178B776, 40178B784, 40178B792
  Corporate High Yield & Income Portfolio of CEFs, 044 CEIPPX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.0465 4/5/2023 4/7/2025 DCEI044 40177P784, 40177P792, 40177P800, 40177P818
  Corporate High Yield & Income Portfolio of CEFs, 045 CEIPQX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.1211 10/5/2023 10/6/2025 DCEI045 40177U544, 40177U551, 40177U569, 40177U577
  Corporate High Yield & Income Portfolio of CEFs, 046 CEIPRX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.2066 4/5/2024 4/6/2026 DCEI046 40177Y306, 40177Y314, 40177Y322, 40177Y330
  Covered Call & Income Portfolio of CEFs, 052 CCCIYX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.3164 4/5/2023 4/7/2025 COV052 40177Q220, 40177Q238, 40177Q246, 40177Q253
  Covered Call & Income Portfolio of CEFs, 053 CCCIZX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.8981 10/5/2023 10/6/2025 COV053 40177U742, 40177U759, 40177U767, 40177U775
  Covered Call & Income Portfolio of CEFs, 054 CCCIAX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5882 4/8/2024 4/8/2026 COV054 40177Y660, 40177Y678, 40177Y686, 40177Y694
  Discount Opportunity Strategy Portfolio of CEFs, 025 CGDOZX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.4268 4/5/2023 4/7/2025 GDOS025 40177P826, 40177P834, 40177P842, 40177P859
  Discount Opportunity Strategy Portfolio of CEFs, 026 CGDOAX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.5477 10/5/2023 10/6/2025 GDOS026 40177U627, 40177U635, 40177U643, 40177U650
  Discount Opportunity Strategy Portfolio of CEFs, 027 CGDOBX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5252 4/5/2024 4/6/2026 GDOS027 40177X845, 40177X852, 40177X860, 40177X878
  Diversified Credit Portfolio of ETFs, 022 CDCPVX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.8215 2/13/2023 2/13/2025 DCP022 40177N722, 40177N730, 40177N748, 40177N755
  Diversified Credit Portfolio of ETFs, 023 CDCPWX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.9499 8/14/2023 8/14/2025 DCP023 40177T604, 40177T612, 40177T620, 40177T638
  Diversified Credit Portfolio of ETFs, 024 CDCPYX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.7566 2/14/2024 2/17/2026 DCP024 40177X225, 40177X233, 40177X241, 40177X258
  Diversified Dividend & Income Portfolio, 038 CDDIMX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.3393 3/8/2023 3/10/2025 DDI038 40177P529, 40177P537, 40177P545, 40177P552
  Diversified Dividend & Income Portfolio, 039 CDDINX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.5641 9/7/2023 9/8/2025 DDI039 40177U221, 40177U239, 40177U247, 40177U254
  Diversified Dividend & Income Portfolio, 040 CDDIOX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.6692 3/7/2024 3/9/2026 DDI040 40177X647, 40177X654, 40177X662, 40177X670
  Diversified Income Wave Portfolio, 092 CFWABX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.1946 2/2/2024 5/5/2025 FWAV092 40177W748, 40177W755, 40177W763, 40177W771
  Diversified Income Wave Portfolio, 093 CFWACX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.3829 5/3/2024 8/5/2025 FWAV093 40177Y769, 40177Y777, 40177Y785, 40177Y793
  Diversified Income Wave Portfolio, 094 CFWADX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.2591 8/5/2024 11/4/2025 FWAV094 40178B362, 40178B370, 40178B388, 40178B396
  Diversified Income Wave Portfolio, 095 CFWAEX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.8099 11/4/2024 2/3/2026 FWAV095 40178D442, 40178D459, 40178D467, 40178D475
  Dividend Growth Portfolio, 017 CDGPQX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $14.6641 2/18/2020 2/18/2025 DGP017 40175F804, 40175F812, 40175F820, 40175F838
  Dividend Growth Portfolio, 018 CDGPRX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $15.4471 8/18/2020 8/18/2025 DGP018 40175X425, 40175X433, 40175X441, 40175X458
  Dividend Growth Portfolio, 019 CDGPSX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.0349 2/19/2021 2/19/2026 DGP019 40176W301, 40176W319, 40176W327, 40176W335
  Dividend Growth Portfolio, 020 CDGPTX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.0192 8/19/2021 8/19/2026 DGP020 40177B348, 40177B355, 40177B363, 40177B371
  Dividend Growth Portfolio, 021 CDGPUX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.3922 2/22/2022 2/22/2027 DGP021 40177F141, 40177F158, 40177F166, 40177F174
  Dividend Growth Portfolio, 022 CDGPVX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.5055 8/24/2022 8/24/2027 DGP022 40177K629, 40177K637, 40177K645, 40177K652
  Dividend Growth Portfolio, 023 CDGPWX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.7871 2/13/2023 2/14/2028 DGP023 40177N763, 40177N771, 40177N789, 40177N797
  Dividend Growth Portfolio, 024 CDGPYX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.2517 8/15/2023 8/15/2028 DGP024 40177T646, 40177T653, 40177T661, 40177T679
  Dividend Growth Portfolio, 025 CDGPZX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.6042 2/15/2024 2/15/2029 DGP025 40177X266, 40177X274, 40177X282, 40177X290
  Dividend Strength Portfolio, 049 CGROYX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.4366 2/22/2023 2/24/2025 GROW049 40177P263, 40177P271, 40177P289, 40177P297
  Dividend Strength Portfolio, 050 CGROZX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.6516 5/24/2023 5/27/2025 GROW050 40177R343, 40177R350, 40177R368, 40177R376
  Dividend Strength Portfolio, 051 CGROAX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.4798 8/21/2023 8/21/2025 GROW051 40177U148, 40177U155, 40177U163, 40177U171
  Dividend Strength Portfolio, 052 CGROBX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.7693 11/20/2023 11/20/2025 GROW052 40177V781, 40177V799, 40177V807, 40177V815
  Dividend Strength Portfolio, 053 CGROCX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.6307 2/28/2024 2/27/2026 GROW053 40177X506, 40177X514, 40177X522, 40177X530
  Dividend Strength Portfolio, 054 CGRODX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.9139 5/28/2024 5/28/2026 GROW054 40178A224, 40178A232, 40178A240, 40178A257
  Dividend Strength Portfolio, 055 CGROEX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.7707 8/26/2024 8/26/2026 GROW055 40178C105, 40178C113, 40178C121, 40178C139
  Dow 10 Portfolio, 056 CDOWFX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.3932 1/16/2024 4/7/2025 DDP056 40177W300, 40177W318, 40177W326, 40177W334
  Dow 10 Portfolio, 057 CDOWGX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.8830 4/5/2024 7/8/2025 DDP057 40177Y181, 40177Y199, 40177Y207, 40177Y215
  Dow 10 Portfolio, 058 CDOWHX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.9445 7/8/2024 10/6/2025 DDP058 40178A703, 40178A711, 40178A729, 40178A737
  Dow 10 Portfolio, 059 CDOWIX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.2893 10/3/2024 1/16/2026 DDP059 40178C584, 40178C592, 40178C600, 40178C618
  Dow 50 Value Dividend Portfolio, 055 CRBDEX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5591 12/19/2023 3/18/2025 RBPD055 40177W227, 40177W235, 40177W243, 40177W250
  Dow 50 Value Dividend Portfolio, 056 CRBDFX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.6746 3/18/2024 6/20/2025 RBPD056 40177X720, 40177X738, 40177X746, 40177X753
  Dow 50 Value Dividend Portfolio, 057 CRBDGX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.4143 6/20/2024 9/19/2025 RBPD057 40178A588, 40178A596, 40178A604, 40178A612
  Dow 50 Value Dividend Portfolio, 058 CRBDHX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.4016 9/19/2024 12/19/2025 RBPD058 40178C261, 40178C279, 40178C287, 40178C295
  Emerging Markets Dividend Strategy Portfolio, 042 CGEMQX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5664 7/6/2023 7/7/2025 GEMD042 40177R707, 40177R715, 40177R723, 40177R731
  Emerging Markets Dividend Strategy Portfolio, 043 CGEMRX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.5468 1/16/2024 1/16/2026 GEMD043 40177W342, 40177W359, 40177W367, 40177W375
  Emerging Markets Dividend Strategy Portfolio, 044 CGEMSX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.5652 7/15/2024 7/15/2026 GEMD044 40178A786, 40178A794, 40178A802, 40178A810
  Energy Innovation Portfolio, 004 CGEIDX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.2500 8/8/2023 8/8/2025 EIP004 40177T521, 40177T539, 40177T547, 40177T554
  Energy Innovation Portfolio, 005 CGEIEX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.1031 2/2/2024 2/2/2026 EIP005 40177W789, 40177W797, 40177W805, 40177W813
  Energy Innovation Portfolio, 006 CGEIFX 2/7/2025 $9.8387 $9.6181 8/12/2024 8/12/2026 EIP006 40178B529, 40178B537, 40178B545, 40178B552
  Equity & Income Portfolio of CEFs, 054 CCEEDX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.0910 6/7/2023 6/9/2025 CEEI054 40177R442, 40177R459, 40177R467, 40177R475
  Equity & Income Portfolio of CEFs, 055 CCEEEX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.4827 12/6/2023 12/8/2025 CEEI055 40177W144, 40177W151, 40177W169, 40177W177
  Equity & Income Portfolio of CEFs, 056 CCEEFX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.4439 6/6/2024 6/8/2026 CEEI056 40178A505, 40178A513, 40178A521, 40178A539
  European Capital Strength Portfolio, 026 CECPAX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.6788 5/17/2023 5/19/2025 ECAP026 40177R269, 40177R277, 40177R285, 40177R293
  European Capital Strength Portfolio, 027 CECPBX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.4034 11/15/2023 11/17/2025 ECAP027 40177V542, 40177V559, 40177V567, 40177V575
  European Capital Strength Portfolio, 028 CECPCX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.1298 5/20/2024 5/20/2026 ECAP028 40178A141, 40178A158, 40178A166, 40178A174
  Financials Portfolio, 021 CFINUX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $16.3762 4/5/2023 4/7/2025 FIN021 40177Q147, 40177Q154, 40177Q162, 40177Q170
  Financials Portfolio, 022 CFINVX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $15.5280 10/5/2023 10/6/2025 FIN022 40177U668, 40177U676, 40177U684, 40177U692
  Financials Portfolio, 023 CFINWX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.3796 4/11/2024 4/13/2026 FIN023 40177Y504, 40177Y512, 40177Y520, 40177Y538
  Flaherty & Crumrine Preferred Portfolio, 057 CPREGX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $8.2630 2/8/2023 2/12/2025 PREF057 40177P404, 40177P412, 40177P420, 40177P438
  Flaherty & Crumrine Preferred Portfolio, 058 CPREHX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.3331 4/12/2023 4/14/2025 PREF058 40177R400, 40177R418, 40177R426, 40177R434
  Flaherty & Crumrine Preferred Portfolio, 059 CPREIX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.2391 10/11/2023 10/8/2025 PREF059 40177U783, 40177U791, 40177U809, 40177U817
  Flaherty & Crumrine Preferred Portfolio, 060 CPREJX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.3300 4/10/2024 4/8/2026 PREF060 40177Y587, 40177Y595, 40177Y603, 40177Y611
  Floating Rate & Dividend Growth Portfolio, 028 CFRDCX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.6464 5/1/2023 5/1/2025 FRDG028 40177Q527, 40177Q535, 40177Q543, 40177Q550
  Floating Rate & Dividend Growth Portfolio, 029 CFRDDX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.1650 10/30/2023 10/30/2025 FRDG029 40177V302, 40177V310, 40177V328, 40177V336
  Floating Rate & Dividend Growth Portfolio, 030 CFRDEX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.1705 5/2/2024 5/4/2026 FRDG030 40177Y728, 40177Y736, 40177Y744, 40177Y751
  Global Balanced Income Builder Portfolio, 021 CGBLUX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.3418 3/30/2023 3/31/2025 GBAL021 40177P644, 40177P651, 40177P669, 40177P677
  Global Balanced Income Builder Portfolio, 022 CGBLVX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5719 9/29/2023 9/29/2025 GBAL022 40177U429, 40177U437, 40177U445, 40177U452
  Global Balanced Income Builder Portfolio, 023 CGBLWX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.8744 4/1/2024 4/1/2026 GBAL023 40177X803, 40177X811, 40177X829, 40177X837
  GNMA Portfolio, 018 CGNMQX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $2.5679 7/21/2011 10/15/2040 DGNMA018 40167J467, 40167J475
  Health Care Portfolio, 035 CHCRJX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.8120 7/17/2023 7/17/2025 DHS035 40177R749, 40177R756, 40177R764, 40177R772
  Health Care Portfolio, 036 CHCRKX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.1768 1/16/2024 1/16/2026 DHS036 40177W383, 40177W391, 40177W409, 40177W417
  Health Care Portfolio, 037 CHCRLX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.1214 7/15/2024 7/15/2026 DHS037 40178A828, 40178A836, 40178A844, 40178A851
  Income & Treasury Limited Duration Portfolio of Funds, 078 CFICAX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.0369 12/11/2023 3/11/2025 FICE078 40177W185, 40177W193, 40177W201, 40177W219
  Income & Treasury Limited Duration Portfolio of Funds, 079 CFICBX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.9908 3/11/2024 6/10/2025 FICE079 40177X688, 40177X696, 40177X704, 40177X712
  Income & Treasury Limited Duration Portfolio of Funds, 080 CFICCX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.8783 6/10/2024 9/11/2025 FICE080 40178A547, 40178A554, 40178A562, 40178A570
  Income & Treasury Limited Duration Portfolio of Funds, 081 CFICDX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.5751 9/11/2024 12/11/2025 FICE081 40178C220, 40178C238, 40178C246, 40178C253
  Investment Grade Corporate Bond Portfolio, 003 CIGCAX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $356.4600 6/13/2002 6/1/2034 DIGIT003 183845429
  Investment Grade Corporate Bond Portfolio, 005 CIGCCX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $544.7600 12/4/2002 8/15/2034 DIGIT005 183845817
  Investment Grade Corporate Trust 3-7 Year, 013 CGIGNX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $847.9600 10/19/2022 8/15/2029 GIGS013 40171A668, 40171A700
  Investment Grade Corporate Trust 3-7 Year, 014 CGIGOX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $849.7600 11/16/2022 8/15/2029 GIGS014 40177M781, 40177M799
  Investment Grade Corporate Trust 3-7 Year, 015 CGIGPX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $922.1400 12/8/2022 8/15/2029 GIGS015 40177N425, 40177N433
  Investment Grade Corporate Trust 3-7 Year, 016 CGIGQX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $857.4600 1/18/2023 8/15/2029 GIGS016 40177P388, 40177P396
  Investment Grade Corporate Trust 3-7 Year, 017 CGIGRX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $909.8000 4/6/2023 2/25/2030 GIGS017 40177R384, 40177R392
  Investment Grade Corporate Trust 3-7 Year, 018 CGIGSX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $936.4700 7/19/2023 5/19/2030 GIGS018 40177T265, 40177T273
  Investment Grade Corporate Trust 3-7 Year, 019 CGIGTX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $980.8000 9/13/2023 9/8/2030 GIGS019 40177V344, 40177V351
  Investment Grade Corporate Trust 3-7 Year, 020 CGIGUX 2/7/2025 $1,039.8000 $1,019.5200 1/24/2024 1/15/2030 GIGS020 40177X589, 40177X597
  Investment Grade Corporate Trust 3-7 Year, 021 CGIGVX 2/7/2025 $1,027.8600 $1,007.8200 3/5/2024 1/15/2031 GIGS021 40177Y702, 40177Y710
  Investment Grade Corporate Trust 3-7 Year, 022 CGIGWX 2/7/2025 $1,056.8200 $1,036.0800 5/8/2024 4/15/2031 GIGS022 40178A687, 40178A695
  Investment Grade Corporate Trust 3-7 Year, 023 CGIGYX 2/7/2025 $1,050.1800 $1,029.6900 8/21/2024 4/15/2031 GIGS023 40178C469, 40178C477
  Investment Grade Corporate Trust 3-7 Year, 024 CGIGZX 2/7/2025 $1,058.5400 $1,037.8900 10/22/2024 8/1/2031 GIGS024 40178F140, 40178F157
  Large Cap Buffer 20 Portfolio, 006 CDOBFX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.4132 9/21/2023 9/23/2025 DOB20006 40177U486, 40177U494
  Large Cap Buffer 20 Portfolio, 007 CDOBGX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.4357 10/19/2023 10/22/2025 DOB20007 40177V369, 40177V377
  Large Cap Buffer 20 Portfolio, 008 CDOBHX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.5912 1/11/2024 1/14/2026 DOB20008 40177W706, 40177W714
  Large Cap Buffer 20 Portfolio, 009 CDOBIX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.0412 5/22/2024 5/26/2026 DOB20009 40178A661, 40178A679
  Large Cap Buffer 20 Portfolio, 010 CDOBJX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.7935 6/20/2024 6/22/2026 DOB20010 40178B347, 40178B354
  Large Cap Buffer 20 Portfolio, 011 CDOBKX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.8977 8/5/2024 8/5/2026 DOB20011 40178C204, 40178C212
  Large Cap Buffer 20 Portfolio, 012 CDOBLX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.3845 9/13/2024 9/14/2026 DOB20012 40178C485, 40178C493
  Large Cap Buffer 20 Portfolio, 013 CDOBMX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.1999 10/18/2024 10/19/2026 DOB20013 40178F108, 40178F124
  Large Cap Buffer 20 Portfolio, 014 CDOBNX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.1773 11/15/2024 11/16/2026 DOB20014 40178F363, 40178F371
  Large Cap Buffer 20 Portfolio, 015 CDOBOX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.1399 12/20/2024 1/15/2027 DOB20015 40178F348, 40178F355
  Large Cap Buffer 20 Portfolio, 016 CDOBPX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.9109 1/24/2025 1/15/2027 DOB20016 40178F389, 40178F397
  Large-Cap Core Portfolio, 043 CACERX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $14.6799 2/22/2023 2/24/2025 LCAP043 40177P305, 40177P313, 40177P321, 40177P339
  Large-Cap Core Portfolio, 044 CACESX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $13.0132 8/21/2023 8/21/2025 LCAP044 40177T844, 40177T851, 40177T869, 40177T877
  Large-Cap Core Portfolio, 045 CACETX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.7604 2/28/2024 2/27/2026 LCAP045 40177X548, 40177X555, 40177X563, 40177X571
  ML Top Picks for 2024 (AVAILABLE THROUGH MERRILL LYNCH ADVISORS ONLY), 012 CMPILX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.3770 2/29/2024 5/7/2025 MPIX012 40177Y140, 40177Y157
  National Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 058 CENMHX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.6121 4/10/2023 5/5/2025 DCEN058 40177Q642, 40177Q659, 40177Q667, 40177Q675
  National Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 059 CENMIX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.0948 8/3/2023 8/4/2025 DCEN059 40177T364, 40177T372, 40177T380, 40177T398
  National Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 060 CENMJX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.1227 11/2/2023 11/3/2025 DCEN060 40177V427, 40177V435, 40177V443, 40177V450
  National Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 061 CENMKX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.5720 2/2/2024 2/2/2026 DCEN061 40177W821, 40177W839, 40177W847, 40177W854
  National Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 062 CENMLX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.6498 5/3/2024 5/4/2026 DCEN062 40177Y801, 40177Y819, 40177Y827, 40177Y835
  National Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 063 CENMMX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.1725 8/5/2024 8/5/2026 DCEN063 40178B404, 40178B412, 40178B420, 40178B438
  National Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 064 CENMNX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.2084 11/4/2024 11/4/2026 DCEN064 40178D483, 40178D491, 40178D509, 40178D517
  National Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 065 CENMOX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.4380 12/11/2024 12/11/2026 DCEN065 40178D822, 40178D830, 40178D848, 40178D855
  NDR Precious Metals & Miners Portfolio, 024 CPMMYX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.6195 4/20/2023 4/21/2025 PMMP024 40177Q261, 40177Q279, 40177Q287, 40177Q295
  NDR Precious Metals & Miners Portfolio, 025 CPMMZX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.9905 10/18/2023 10/20/2025 PMMP025 40177V104, 40177V112, 40177V120, 40177V138
  NDR Precious Metals & Miners Portfolio, 026 CPMMAX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.2424 4/11/2024 4/13/2026 PMMP026 40177Y462, 40177Y470, 40177Y488, 40177Y496
  New York Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 041 CENYPX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.9569 8/3/2023 8/4/2025 DCNY041 40177T406, 40177T414, 40177T422, 40177T430
  New York Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 042 CENYQX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.7168 2/2/2024 2/2/2026 DCNY042 40177X100, 40177X118, 40177X126, 40177X134
  New York Municipal Portfolio of CEFs, 043 CENYRX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.3762 8/5/2024 8/5/2026 DCNY043 40178B560, 40178B578, 40178B586, 40178B594
  Quality High Dividend Portfolio, 001 CQHDAX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.2335 6/22/2023 6/20/2025 QHD001 40177T281, 40177T299, 40177T307, 40177T315
  Quality High Dividend Portfolio, 002 CQHDBX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.9846 12/19/2023 12/19/2025 QHD002 40177W268, 40177W276, 40177W284, 40177W292
  Quality High Dividend Portfolio, 003 CQHDCX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.6197 6/20/2024 6/22/2026 QHD003 40178A620, 40178A638, 40178A646, 40178A653
  REIT Portfolio, 029 CGRTDX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5732 8/8/2023 8/8/2025 GRET029 40177T562, 40177T570, 40177T588, 40177T596
  REIT Portfolio, 030 CGRTEX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.8389 2/2/2024 2/2/2026 GRET030 40177X142, 40177X159, 40177X167, 40177X175
  S&P Dividend Aristocrats Select 25 Strategy Portfolio, 034 CACTIX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.8260 1/25/2024 4/29/2025 ACTS034 40177W508, 40177W516, 40177W524, 40177W532
  S&P Dividend Aristocrats Select 25 Strategy Portfolio, 035 CACTJX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.9223 4/22/2024 7/29/2025 ACTS035 40177Y421, 40177Y439, 40177Y447, 40177Y454
  S&P Dividend Aristocrats Select 25 Strategy Portfolio, 036 CACTKX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.7241 7/29/2024 10/27/2025 ACTS036 40178B263, 40178B271, 40178B289, 40178B297
  S&P Dividend Aristocrats Select 25 Strategy Portfolio, 037 CACTLX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.3339 10/25/2024 1/27/2026 ACTS037 40178D186, 40178D194, 40178D202, 40178D210
  Select Quality Municipal Portfolio, 002 CGSQBX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $294.0600 8/7/2014 11/15/2044 GSQM002 40169A340, 40169A357
  Select Quality Municipal Portfolio, 003 CGSQCX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $626.9800 4/29/2015 11/15/2045 GSQM003 40169M583, 40169M591
  Select Quality Municipal Portfolio, 004 CGSQDX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $737.2600 12/4/2015 6/15/2046 GSQM004 40169Y652, 40169Y660
  Select Quality Municipal Portfolio, 005 CGSQEX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $883.2600 4/18/2023 10/1/2053 GSQM005 40177Q501, 40177Q519
  Select Quality Municipal Portfolio, 006 CGSQFX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $897.1900 6/7/2023 4/1/2054 GSQM006 40177R608, 40177R616
  Select Quality Municipal Portfolio, 007 CGSQGX 2/7/2025 $1,036.2200 $999.9400 11/7/2023 3/1/2054 GSQM007 40177U460, 40177U478
  Select Quality Municipal Portfolio, 008 CGSQHX 2/7/2025 $1,017.6400 $982.0100 1/17/2024 12/1/2054 GSQM008 40177W722, 40177W730
  Select Quality Municipal Portfolio, 009 CGSQIX 2/7/2025 $1,020.0100 $984.2700 4/3/2024 3/15/2055 GSQM009 40177Y165, 40177Y173
  Select Quality Municipal Portfolio, 010 CGSQJX 2/7/2025 $1,010.0300 $974.6700 7/10/2024 11/1/2054 GSQM010 40178C188, 40178C196
  Select Quality Municipal Portfolio, 011 CGSQKX 2/7/2025 $1,074.5500 $1,036.9300 9/16/2024 8/1/2054 GSQM011 40178D301, 40178D319
  Senior Loan & Income Portfolio of CEFs, 045 CESLSX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.8642 4/5/2023 4/7/2025 DCES045 40177Q188, 40177Q196, 40177Q204, 40177Q212
  Senior Loan & Income Portfolio of CEFs, 046 CESLTX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.6908 10/5/2023 10/6/2025 DCES046 40177U700, 40177U718, 40177U726, 40177U734
  Senior Loan & Income Portfolio of CEFs, 047 CESLUX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.6785 4/5/2024 4/6/2026 DCES047 40177Y546, 40177Y553, 40177Y561, 40177Y579
  SMid Dividend Strength Portfolio, 020 CSMDTX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.5018 7/24/2023 7/21/2025 SMDS020 40177T141, 40177T158, 40177T166, 40177T174
  SMid Dividend Strength Portfolio, 021 CSMDUX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.1603 1/22/2024 1/22/2026 SMDS021 40177W581, 40177W599, 40177W607, 40177W615
  SMid Dividend Strength Portfolio, 022 CSMDVX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.2067 7/22/2024 7/22/2026 SMDS022 40178B180, 40178B198, 40178B206, 40178B214
  Strategic Income Portfolio, 118 CFSITX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.3337 7/6/2023 7/7/2025 FSIP118 40177R665, 40177R673, 40177R681, 40177R699
  Strategic Income Portfolio, 119 CFSIUX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.0830 1/16/2024 1/16/2026 FSIP119 40177W425, 40177W433, 40177W441, 40177W458
  Strategic Income Portfolio, 120 CFSIVX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.1860 6/6/2024 7/8/2026 FSIP120 40178A745, 40178A752, 40178A760, 40178A778
  Technological Innovation Portfolio, 021 CATEUX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $15.4406 3/15/2023 3/17/2025 ATEC021 40177P560, 40177P578, 40177P586, 40177P594
  Technological Innovation Portfolio, 022 CATEVX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.8307 9/15/2023 9/15/2025 ATEC022 40177U304, 40177U312, 40177U320, 40177U338
  Technological Innovation Portfolio, 023 CATEWX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.0024 3/18/2024 3/18/2026 ATEC023 40177X761, 40177X779, 40177X787, 40177X795
  Technology Portfolio, 033 CTECHX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $16.0816 4/20/2023 4/21/2025 DTS033 40177Q303, 40177Q311, 40177Q329, 40177Q337
  Technology Portfolio, 034 CTECIX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $14.9071 10/25/2023 10/27/2025 DTS034 40177V229, 40177V237, 40177V245, 40177V252
  Technology Portfolio, 035 CTECJX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.7789 4/22/2024 4/22/2026 DTS035 40177Y389, 40177Y397, 40177Y405, 40177Y413
  Tekla Medical Science Innovation Portfolio, 006 CTMEFX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.1618 5/17/2023 5/19/2025 TMED006 40177R186, 40177R194, 40177R202, 40177R210
  Total Income Portfolio, 029 CTIPDX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5513 2/28/2023 2/28/2025 TIP029 40177P347, 40177P354, 40177P362, 40177P370
  Total Income Portfolio, 030 CTIPEX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5783 8/28/2023 8/28/2025 TIP030 40177U106, 40177U114, 40177U122, 40177U130
  Total Income Portfolio, 031 CTIPFX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.4663 2/26/2024 2/26/2026 TIP031 40177X464, 40177X472, 40177X480, 40177X498
  US 50 Dividend Strategy Portfolio, 039 CUFTNX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.8931 1/25/2024 4/29/2025 UFTY039 40177W466, 40177W474, 40177W482, 40177W490
  US 50 Dividend Strategy Portfolio, 040 CUFTOX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5718 4/22/2024 7/29/2025 UFTY040 40177Y348, 40177Y355, 40177Y363, 40177Y371
  US 50 Dividend Strategy Portfolio, 041 CUFTPX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $8.7242 7/29/2024 10/27/2025 UFTY041 40178B305, 40178B313, 40178B321, 40178B339
  US 50 Dividend Strategy Portfolio, 042 CUFTQX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.5347 10/25/2024 1/27/2026 UFTY042 40178D269, 40178D277, 40178D285, 40178D293
  US Capital Strength Portfolio, 026 CUCAAX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.0673 5/17/2023 5/19/2025 UCAP026 40177R228, 40177R236, 40177R244, 40177R251
  US Capital Strength Portfolio, 027 CUCABX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $12.3402 11/15/2023 11/17/2025 UCAP027 40177V625, 40177V633, 40177V641, 40177V658
  US Capital Strength Portfolio, 028 CUCACX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.9098 5/20/2024 5/20/2026 UCAP028 40178A380, 40178A398, 40178A406, 40178A414
  US High Dividend Strategy Portfolio, 051 CUSHAX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.2052 1/22/2024 4/22/2025 USHD051 40177W540, 40177W557, 40177W565, 40177W573
  US High Dividend Strategy Portfolio, 052 CUSHBX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.7075 4/22/2024 7/22/2025 USHD052 40177Y264, 40177Y272, 40177Y280, 40177Y298
  US High Dividend Strategy Portfolio, 053 CUSHCX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.3343 7/22/2024 10/20/2025 USHD053 40178B222, 40178B230, 40178B248, 40178B255
  US High Dividend Strategy Portfolio, 054 CUSHDX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.6375 10/18/2024 1/23/2026 USHD054 40178D145, 40178D152, 40178D160, 40178D178
  US Low Volatility Strategy Portfolio, 046 CULOUX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.2697 2/2/2024 5/5/2025 ULOW046 40177X183, 40177X191, 40177X209, 40177X217
  US Low Volatility Strategy Portfolio, 047 CULOVX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.3019 5/3/2024 8/5/2025 ULOW047 40178A109, 40178A117, 40178A125, 40178A133
  US Low Volatility Strategy Portfolio, 048 CULOWX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.5796 8/5/2024 11/4/2025 ULOW048 40178B487, 40178B495, 40178B503, 40178B511
  US Low Volatility Strategy Portfolio, 049 CULOYX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $9.9174 11/4/2024 2/5/2026 ULOW049 40178D525, 40178D533, 40178D541, 40178D558
  Utilities Portfolio, 038 COPUNX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.3897 7/17/2023 7/17/2025 DUS038 40177R780, 40177R798, 40177R806, 40177R814
  Utilities Portfolio, 039 COPUOX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $11.7224 1/16/2024 1/16/2026 DUS039 40177W664, 40177W672, 40177W680, 40177W698
  Utilities Portfolio, 040 COPUPX 2/7/2025 $0.0000 $10.9910 7/15/2024 7/15/2026 DUS040 40178B107, 40178B115, 40178B123, 40178B131

1 The "offer" price represents the net asset value of one unit of a trust plus a transactional sales charge.

2 The "liquidation" price represents the net asset value of one unit of a trust and includes any front-end and deferred sales charges accounted for if investors liquidate units.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Investors units, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.

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